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1. Create Captivating Quizzes

Craft questions that resonate with your audience's interests, pain points, or curiosities. Add a touch of creativity and personality to make your quizzes stand out.

quiz-feedback images

2. Share Across Platforms

Share your quizzes on your website, blog posts, or social media profiles. Utilize email campaigns to reach a wider audience and invite participation.

quiz-feedback images

3. Analyze, Learn, and Adapt

Monitor quiz responses and analyze the data to gain valuable insights. Use this newfound knowledge to tailor your content, products, or services.

Experience Mentimeter for yourself!

The phone on the right is completely interactive. So like a real Mentimeter presentation you can enter the voting code and see your vote appear on the screen!

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experience mentimeter0 images

Who can invest money in the salad? Pellentesque odio nisi, Euismod in, pharetra a, ultricies in, diam. But the bow. Tomorrow's result Who can invest money in the salad? Pellentesque odio nisi, Euismod in, pharetra a, ultricies in, diam. But the bow. Tomorrow's resultWho can invest money in the salad? Pellentesque odio nisi, Euismod in, pharetra a, ultricies in, diam. But the bow. Tomorrow's resultWho can invest money in the salad? Pellentesque odio nisi, Euismod in, pharetra a, ultricies in, diam. But the bow. Tomorrow's result

But the need, before and vulputate volutpat, eros is always at the foot, the fear of life's grief free eu propaganda. It is free of disease, the taste is good, it is convenient for anyone who is pregnant. But the bed It is an element of the Hendrerit Tortor. But always the Internet at the trigger. Vestibulum utpat, lacus a ultrices sagittis, mi neque euismod dui, eu pulvinar now sappionare nisle. The boat with the foot of the bow, the protein, the yeast, and the protein, but the pot.

The price is sometimes soft. But with laughter. Phasellus lacinia, magna a ullamcorper laoreet, lectus arcu pulvinar risus, vitae facilisis libero dolor a purus. But even the lake. Mauris nibh felis, adipiscing varius, adipiscing in, lacinia or, tellus. A pen and an urn. Even the kids are funny as a bed. Now before the earth, it needs land, pregnant life, ultrices and, leo. Integer leo pede, ornare a, lacinia eu, vulputate vel, nisl.

It's interesting. Fusce layer of soft eros. Children from the backyard should be my favorite vehicles. Integer adipiscing smile from sem. There is no one who wants to be a mass cartoonist. Now, let's go to the pool, who is the layer, the palate is not, the homework or the bow. As hendrerit of the state. Complete with arrows. Vivamus a mauris eget arcu pregnant sad. Now my targets are in front. Vivamus imperdiet nibh feugiat est.

Some helpful guides

Need some inspiration? We have a variety of videos, templates, resources, and more that will help you better understand Mentimeter and help you dive right in!

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Features to make your presentation dynamic and interactive.

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Browse our series of pre-made presentations, slides, and quizzes.

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How to get started in seconds

A quick crash course on making a presentation.

Create Personalized Quizzes With Ease Using Our Fully Customizable Online Quiz Maker:

Easily design personalized quizzes with our fully customizable online quiz maker. Our user-friendly platform allows you to create engaging quizzes that cater to your audience's interests. Whether you're an educator, marketer, or business owner, our versatile tool simplifies quiz creation for student engagement, lead generation, and brand promotion. Say goodbye to complexity and enjoy the benefits of crafting SEO-optimized personalized quizzes. Start creating unique quizzes today to boost online visibility, audience engagement, and user interaction.

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Frequently asked questions

Yes. Our app comes with default settings, so you can make a quiz and start using right away. We have display settings page where you can change the default settings. We have display settings page where you can change the default We have display settings page.

Yes. Our app comes with default settings, so you can make a quiz and start using right away. We have display settings page where you can change the default settings. We have display settings page where you can change the default We have display settings page.

Yes. Our app comes with default settings, so you can make a quiz and start using right away. We have display settings page where you can change the default settings. We have display settings page where you can change the default We have display settings page.

Yes. Our app comes with default settings, so you can make a quiz and start using right away. We have display settings page where you can change the default settings. We have display settings page where you can change the default We have display settings page.

Yes. Our app comes with default settings, so you can make a quiz and start using right away. We have display settings page where you can change the default settings. We have display settings page where you can change the default We have display settings page.

Yes. Our app comes with default settings, so you can make a quiz and start using right away. We have display settings page where you can change the default settings. We have display settings page where you can change the default We have display settings page.

Yes. Our app comes with default settings, so you can make a quiz and start using right away. We have display settings page where you can change the default settings. We have display settings page where you can change the default We have display settings page.

Yes. Our app comes with default settings, so you can make a quiz and start using right away. We have display settings page where you can change the default settings. We have display settings page where you can change the default We have display settings page.

"Why Create A Quiz? Two Words: Growth And Engagement"

Whether you're an entrepreneur aiming for business growth or an educator seeking personal and professional development, an online quiz maker is your secret weapon. Marketers leverage quizzes to enhance social media marketing efforts, boosting brand awareness and engagement. Companies use quizzes to reinforce onboarding and training, cutting product training time significantly. In fact, studies show that incorporating quizzes into your strategy can increase engagement by up to 40%.

But it's not just about work; teachers and trainers can make learning fun and interactive with quizzes. Research shows that regular quizzes, when not for grading, enhance memory retention and drive engagement. In this post, we'll dive deeper into the captivating world of quizzes and how they fuel growth and engagement.

How To Create An Online Quiz With Quizify?

So, you're not a coding wizard, but you've got quiz ideas brewing? Look no further! Quizify's got your back with a user-friendly, mobile-friendly quiz maker. If you're leaning towards crafting tests, our test maker is your new BFF.

Check out these pro tips for crafting an amazing Quizify quiz that your audience will absolutely love

1. Get Personal with Your Audience

Think of quizzes as friendly chats, not those boring question marathons. Quizify keeps it cool by asking one question at a time, creating a cozy and engaging vibe for your quiz-takers.

2. Give Instant Cheers and Nudges

Keep the motivation high! Quizify's Logic Jump (or as we call it, the fancy way to guide your quiz) lets you dish out custom support and high-fives based on your peeps' answers.

3. Make It an Unforgettable Experience

Who needs boring questions? Spice things up with images, GIFs, videos, and all sorts of question types. Each question becomes a memorable moment.

4. Score Smart, Not Hard

If you're an educator, we've got your back with our Calculator tool. It's a time-saver and makes scoring a breeze. Plus, you can create a report from quiz responses so your students can see how they stack up against their pals.

5. Share Results and Leave a Mark

Wow your audience with personalized thank-you screens and result messages. With Quizify's nifty quiz maker, you can craft unique responses based on their answers, making the experience unforgettable.

6. Super Smooth on All Devices

Your stunning quiz looks great on laptops, mobiles, and tablets. Everyone gets a front-row seat to the fun!

7. Pop It on Your Website

If you're all about interactive content, stick your quiz on your website or blog. Our special code plays nice with WordPress, SquareSpace, and all things HTML

8. Google Analytics, It's a Win-Win

For the business side of things, Google Analytics helps you peek into visitor behavior and demographics. See how your quiz vibes with different groups.

9. Say Thanks for Being Awesome

Don't let the interaction end! Send a cool thank-you note along with their quiz score. Treating new leads right can mean more conversions. And looking after your regulars? That's the secret sauce for retention.

With Quizify, fun and growth go hand in hand. Get started on your quiz-making adventure today!

89% Of Our Awesome Customers Have Told Us That Quizify Brings In More Responses For Them!

Rated 4.7 out of 75+ reviews on

Keep The Momentum Going With Quizify's Awesome Integrations

But wait, there's more! Integrations are like the cherry on top of your quiz creation sundae. Whether you're an educator sparking engagement in your classroom or a business pro hustling for leads, our integrations take your game to the next level. Let's dive into what you can do after the 'Submit' button gets hit.

1. Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel Integration

For the data-savvy marketers out there, it's all about keeping things neat and tidy. With Quizify's integration, you can seamlessly connect Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel to your quizzes. Unlock the power of data tracking to measure user behavior, conversions, and ad performance. No more guessing—just real insights that help you fine-tune your strategies.

2. Klaviyo, Mailchimp, Omnisend, and ActiveCampaign

If you're in the lead generation game, you're in luck! Quizify's got your back with seamless integration for Klaviyo, Mailchimp, Omnisend, and ActiveCampaign. It's as simple as pie. Create captivating quizzes that collect key information like names and emails. Our integration effortlessly syncs this data with your email marketing platform of choice. Say goodbye to manual data entry and hello to efficient lead nurturing. Ready to supercharge your quizzes with these integrations? Get started and take your quizzes to the next level!

Begin Your Journey With One Of Our Trendy Quiz Templates!